
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: abril, 2014


Guy Standing has written a book called "The precariat" where he exposes his theory on this emerging new class which includes a growing number of the population in what he calls a process of precariatisation. There is the danger of moving into the solutions proposed by the extreme right but there is also the counterbalance of finding a way out through the progressive movements.He also calls them the politics of paradise as he links them with the classical utopia. But contrary to what it may first suggest, the utopia is not something unatainable but the pedal which will operate the whole process. The precariat is a class in the making. It still doesn't have a clear vision of where to go but it is already finding a place in the political arena. We have recently seen in Spain how movements such as PAH or others have put pressure on the political class and also on the judiciary. Guy talks about citizens being deprived of their citizen rights and being turned i...